Use of Stem Cells in Dental Implants

Lisa R. Parker

Dental problems nowadays are as common as having hair problems. There was a time when dental issues were severely overlooked by people for the reason of not considering it as vital but with time things have changed and people have realized that the thirty-two pearls in their mouth are as […]

The Importance of a Child’s Play

Lisa R. Parker

A child’s play is a very important part of the children. Children want parents to be involved in their play. There must be a concerted effort on the part of the parents to set aside time to play with their child/children. Some parents need to start to learn how to […]

Q&A on Payroll Management Systems

Lisa R. Parker

What is the payroll? A payroll is a company’s list of its employees, but the term is commonly used to refer to: the total amount of money that a company pays to its employees. A company’s records of its employees’ salaries and wages, bonuses, and withheld taxes. the company’s department […]

Private Investors and Equity Finance

Lisa R. Parker

Private investors provide equity finance for business opportunity. They invest money into new and up-and-coming businesses; they have no preference in the industry sector that they invest in as they have a wide range of interests. Private investors bring money to a business that is needed to move the business […]

What Is The Value Of A Dental Patient?

Lisa R. Parker

Over the recent years, the UK dentistry market has seen significant growth, with the market value rising by around 90% between 1999 and 2010. The market is estimated to be valued £5.73 billion a year. In the UK, there 49, 350 dental care professionals and another 32,900 who are working […]

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