Lisa R. Parker

“Learning is Change and to change there must be an explanation” – Donald Clark.

Almost certainly this explanation holds valid for us all before the pandemics, and in any event, during the current emergency times, for example, the VUCA times.

However, to make change in our own self by constant, is discretionary as is endurance itself an open entryway of alternative, for us all. It’s up to us decide to deteriorate or continue learning and develop. The wad of learning is consistently in our grasp.

In Effective Digital Marketing Leadership, be any of us in the shoes of being in the Product Marketing Track, Digital Management Track or Digital Marketing Leadership Track, it for the most part reduces to a similar condition of un-learning and re-learning.

In this way, when we un-learn and re-learn, our attitude develops further not just in abilities, and furthermore in moral administration. This by itself is so basic in the centennial. Here, I decide to focus and train hard on CMS dominance as perhaps the best technique in Digital Marketing Success.

Presently, what is CMS?

CMS is only the Word Press Software that is a free site creation platform. In Technical English Word Press Website is called as CMS (for example Content Management System). Word Press is the best Content Management System for Effective Digital Marketing Success.

Along these lines, I wanted to communicate the 8 Virtues of Bushido or the Samurai Principles that you should have a thinking ahead of, and guzzle in powerful trains in Digital Marketing Journey which obviously will be a marathon race and, not a 200 m Sprint race.

For the time being, let me digress a piece on the subject, to construct your establishment on the theme, and acquaint you with ‘The Change Grid Model’ formulated by Dr. Cynthia D. Scott and Dr. Dennis T. Jaffe.

There are four phases/cycles of Change:

Stage I: Denial

This is the stage when we deny the need to change, disregard them totally or purposely and limit the changes. Here we attempt to consolidate data, discover constantly how the change could affect us, talk about with others and give yourself the existence.

Stage II: Resistance

This is the stage or cycle, when we experience nervousness, outrage, and get enthusiastic, discouraged. At that point we attempt to recognize our feelings, sentiments, and the misfortune and search out the good or any help that we have to deal with ourselves. Obviously, here’s an expression of alert: “Don’t Join the Whiner’s Club”.

Stage III: Exploration

This is the cycle and stage where we need and should investigate choices, given up off the misfortune, torment, feel fierier and be confident. Here, we have to observe and recognize the accessible alternatives. Consequently, first we have to focus on the momentary objectives and afterward our prompt needs.

Stage IV: Commitment

This is a cycle/stage where we center on our course of activities, adjust to change, see the future with extraordinary positive thinking. Also, whenever we are submitted, we set long haul objectives and praise the new reality.

To comprehend this 4 phases better, I propose and firmly suggest you read the two books of Sir Simon Sinek “The Infinite Game” by Simon Sinek. Furthermore, additionally read ‘Leaders Who Eat Last ‘by Simon Sinek.

These 4 cycles or stages may not occur in similar back to back advances or may not take place in the same consecutive orders, and every span of time is novel to every person, and you may ricochet around among these 4 changes.

The explanation I have clarified the four phases is to make your understand the significance of profoundly practice the whole Word Press or CMS.

In straightforward English, Word Press site (for which I firmly have recommended a few times to have with Blue Host Services).

The motivations to get gifted and talented in Word press is so significant on the grounds that the CMS has a back-end (the administrator client end which will be the proprietor of the area space or site that is yourself ) and front-end who will be your guests, visitors or customers.

Understanding and getting gifted all the instruments utilized and how to utilize the Content Management System (i.e. word press site) successfully, both at the back-end and front-end is so compulsory for two reasons:

(1) On the Front-end, we should ensure we present so well to our audience / customers that is each guest the whole way across the globe who visit our site and furthermore drive in organic traffic and make our site simple to explore for our guests.

(2) On the Back-end, we should understand what’s going on, beware of the administrator territory, and distinguish if all is great.

Presently, with the 8 Bushido Virtues, the standards of Samurai champions, I can guarantee and vouchsafe that you are in safe hands, and can promise you a day to day existence season of Effective Digital Marketing Strategies and Consistent Revenue and long haul achievement:

(1) Rectitude or Justice:

Integrity or Justice is the most grounded excellence and it doesn’t just suggest military integrity and furthermore close to home integrity or our own self-integrity, where our Creator God is the Bookkeeper. It is equal to the European Chivalry, as in the narrative of the ‘Legend of Sword of King Arthur’.

(2) Courage:

Boldness is one of the best of ideals of Samurai Warrior when practiced with uprightness and integrity. This sort of Courage is like ‘The Nicomachean Ethics’ by Aristotle

As Confucius adds: “Seeing what is correct and doing it not uncovers an absence of boldness”

(3) Benevolence or Mercy:

Love, charitableness, compassion, empathy, sympathy and pity are characteristics of Benevolence and is the most elevated ascribes of a human spirit. Thus, it is the most elevated necessity of a Samurai fighter or Ruler to be exceptionally Benevolent.

(4) Politeness:

Civility, graciousness, great habits, profound quality, respectability which is totally established in generosity is a particular Japanese attribute.

(5) Honesty and truthfulness:

In spite of the fact that neither for monetary reasons and nor for plain life; a genuine Samurai must resent cash. Offspring of high-positioning Samurai were denied to accept cash and considered as a poor taste. Extravagance was considered as low moral standards and threat to masculinity and serious straightforwardness was expected of the champion class.

This didn’t suggest that cash was not significant, it inferred cash as a decent slave yet moral principles supplanted all different norms, for example, free enterprise.

(6) Honor:

The feeling of ‘honor’ a distinctive awareness of individual pride and advantages and his value.

Carrying on with an existence with a high Conscientiousness and respectability was a profound ‘honor’ for Samurais.

(7) Loyalty:

Just in the code of gallant honor does dependability achieve significance? In the contention among unwaveringness and friendship the code never falters from decision of devotion. ‘A Samurai was obliged to engage the astuteness and soul of sovereign of driving through genuineness of his words with slaughter.

(7) Self-Control and Character:

Moral Standards rises above bigger. What is correct is correct and what’s going on isn’t right.

Furthermore, a man should show youngsters moral principles. A decent Samurai wall on solid good character with high uprightness.

I unequivocally suggest you read ‘Hagukare’ by Samurai or ‘Bushido’ by Nitobe.

The narrative on the fellowship and deep bond that created between a Japanese and American warrior (during the World War II) is endearing and sensational.

Also, it shows the estimation of character and the blade like King Arthur’s sword, which no one but Arthur could lift it up from the laid stone. It would be ideal if you watch on YouTube the Bushido Documentary.

In this way, I demand you to execute these ethics and methodologies in Social Media Marketing Strategies, and furthermore in a real sense ace bit by bit at your own movement in Digital Marketing System.

In WordPress CMS, there are a lot of free elements accessible, and however learning I recognize is an arduous assignment, yet this by itself will assist you with taking you on your fruitful and powerful excursion in Effective Implementation of Digital Marketing System.

You may unwind, yet leave your endeavors alone predictable as it’s the consistency of day by day enhancements that will bring you to adapt reliably in the Digital Marketing world.

Everything is developing, much the same as the clients tastes changes along these lines, is the positioning and the SEO enhancements advances slowly.

I end with a note to continue learning and practicing Word Press to drive in more traffic to your site from the front-end and do a decent house-keeping from the back-end as well.

I close with an assertion of Marilyn Ferguson:

‘Nobody can convince another to change. Every one of us monitors a Gate of Change that must be opened from within’.


(1) ‘Mastering the Change Management Process’ – Instructor -Mc Clayton /

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